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Fee Schedule

Georgetown Fire Department Schedule of Fees (as of 1/1/22)
Open Burning$10.00 annually
Oil burner installation$50.00
Propane installation and storage$50.00/ five years
Flammable liquid and combustible storage$50.00
Gunpowder and ammunition storage$50.00
Fireworks display$50.00/plus firefighter detail
Blasting$50.00/plus firefighter detail
Carnivals permit$100.00/plus firefighter detail
Tank truck inspectionSee Flammable liquid and combustible storage
Tank installation$50.00/tank
Tank removal$50.00/tank
Smoke detector/Carbon monoxide inspections 
            Single family$50.00
            2 Family$100.00
           3-5 Family$50.00/unit
           6-25 units$50.00 plus $25.00 per unit
           Over 25 units$125.00 plus $25.00 per unit
Connection to the municipal fire Alarm$200.00
Monitor fee for master boxes$275.00 per year
Demolition$50.00 plus firefighter detail
Welding and cutting$50.00 plus firefighter detail
Model rockets$50.00
Moving a buildingEntire cost of moving the wires by the Town of Georgetown
Tar Kettle$50.00
Supervised firing of cannon$50.00
Testing of sprinkler and standpipe systems$150.00
Plan review for commercial property 
               Fire alarm$50.00
               Fire sprinkler$50.00
Inspection of places of assembly including: 
              Theatres, movie houses$50.00 annually