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Open Burning Season Begins Friday, January 15th

Open Burning season begins in Massachusetts on Friday, January 15th and ends on May 1, 2021.  If you wish to burn brush during open burning season, you must purchase a seasonal permit for $10.  Once you purchase the permit, you must call our automated phone line (1-855-956-2722) to activate the permit, each day you wish to burn.

In order to obtain your permit, please visit:

You must follow these 2 steps to obtain your permit.  First, you must pay for your permit and receive your payment confirmation number (credit cards and checks are accepted).  Second, you will need to sign up for a permit (you will need your payment confirmation number).

We highly encourage you to get your permit online.  Due to COVID-19, visitors are not allowed inside the Georgetown Fire Department, and therefore, you will need to fill out the application outside, and we will then process your permit for you once payment is made.  Cash is not accepted when getting your permit at the station.