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*Media Advisory* Georgetown Fire Department’s Annual Santa Tour Celebrates 25th Anniversary This Weekend

Community-wide Event Will Spread Holiday Cheer, Facilitate Donations of Toys for Kids in Need

GEORGETOWN — Chief Fred Mitchell is pleased to announce that the Georgetown Fire Department will continue a beloved local tradition this year as it marks the 25th anniversary of the Santa Tour.


Sunday, Dec. 6, beginning at 10:30 a.m.


Click here for the parade route and schedule

Information about how to monitor the progress of the parade live will be posted to the event’s Facebook page.


  • Georgetown Fire Department
  • Georgetown Police Department
  • U.S. Marine Corps
  • Community volunteers


Since the mid-90s, the Georgetown Fire Department has conducted its Santa Tour along the town’s roads, giving children a chance to see Santa riding on an antique fire engine accompanied by a fleet of modern Georgetown Fire Department vehicles.

“The Santa Tour is something our members and our community look forward to every year, as it’s become an essential part of the holiday season in Georgetown,” Chief Mitchell said. “Our residents have shown tremendous generosity over the years through their donations to Toys for Tots, and their support will be even more important this year as many in the region and nationwide are struggling financially due to the economic impact of the pandemic. We’re proud to be able to help however we can, and I am grateful to everyone who works to make this wonderful event happen every year.”

Members of the Fire Department will be joined by a representative from the Georgetown Police Department, and vehicles from the U.S. Marine Corps will also be on display as a show of gratitude for the Fire Department’s longstanding support of its Toys for Tots initiative.

Georgetown Fire began collecting toys to benefit Toys for Tots in 2000, and since then has collected an estimated 60,000 toys for children who might otherwise go without a gift on Christmas. Last year, firefighters collected 3,500 toys.

As the Santa Tour passes by homes in town, residents will have the opportunity to donate a new, unwrapped toy to Toys for Tots that will be collected in the two trailers that accompany the parade.

In 2019, the Santa Tour covered more than 71 miles of town roads over the course of 10-plus hours.

The logo for this year’s Santa Tour was designed by 13-year-old Kelsey Gillis, and it will appear on volunteer sweatshirts on the day of the event.

